First day of school

Lily started school (ecole enfantine) today! We all went with her and found her classroom. It was a 10am start, but normal school hours for her will be 8.50am till 11.25am, every morning except Wednesday. I think the classroom is open from 8.45am. We drop Lily off in the classroom in the morning, then for pick-up the teachers bring the children up to the main level. We were given an envelope of information that included, amongst other things, the list of all the children (21) in the class and their phone numbers (plus the two teachers' names and phone numbers), a list of things I need to buy (glue - 2 sorts, pen - waterproof, folder, slippers...on and on), and we have to pay Sf 40 for materials, a list of the school holidays, a page on what is expected of the kids (we think - Michael saw it mentioned something about not crying!), the schedule for swimming (every second week) and gym and rythmn. And a note about a parent's evening next Tuesday in Lily's classroom for more information. Have to find a babysitter for that one.
After Christmas, the school will be two afternoons a week then after Easter it's four afternoons a week (always with Wednesday off).
By the time we dropped Lily off (after the teacher translated a lot of what was in the envelope for me) it was barely an hour later that I had to pick her up. Lily had a picture of a pig (so she told me) to show me. And she told us about the frog (real frog) the teacher showed them (and told them not to touch!), and how the children held hands when they went out (maybe to see the toilets and to come upstairs at the end?). And the toys and books in there that Mummy isn't allowed to see because it is for the children! So I think it was a good start :)
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