Fete de l'aviation

We went to the airshow at Lausanne airport (Blecherette) today Fete de l'aviation. Arrived just after noon (after picking up lunch at the boulangerie here beforehand, thank goodness we did as the queues for tickets for the food were long, let alone queues for the food). Got a good park closeby and had a wander around (entrance was free). Unfortunately they must have been on lunch break when we arrived as there was no flying for what seemed like ages. Then the model planes got going, then the real planes. It was fun, we sat on the grass towards the end of the runway and enjoyed the sun and the planes, not so much the wind.
Then Lily needed to do pee-pee. Fine, dealt with that the a la naturale way away from the crowds. Not long after she needed to do ca-ca. I eventually found the toilet (notice singular) and the queues. Ugghhhh. Long wait in line, then a substantial time on the toilet. Once we found each other again (Michael had come looking for me as we were gone so long) we decided we'd had enough of the wind and the airshow. We both had headaches (combo of the wind and the lack of water, our own faults...kids had water just not us) and the kids were tired and over it.
Our own private airshow had more to offer.
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