The birthday picnic

It went really well. The babysitter (Loriane) turned up just before 7pm and helped with the kids. We were able to get away at 7.30pm, once they were both in bed. I had the location in mind right on Lake Geneva (it's a spot I walk past on my walks), but it wasn't easy finding a parking area close by. So we parked at Lutry and lugged the picnic stuff back towards Paudex.
Thankfully the spot was free (there was a couple there the night before having a picnic) so we spread the new picnic blanket and set up dinner. It was lovely - pisang and orange juice to start, then white wine, bread, cheeses, chicken, dolmades, tabouli, olives. And for dessert, nectarines, blackberries and Apricot and Coconut Balls. We both had a lovely time, there was no rain, it was warm but not hot and the view of the Lake, as always, was gorgeous.
Ahhhh, should do it more often.
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