Been a long day...

Charlotte woke around 6.20am (not long before MK got home from work) so it was an early start. It had been a late night as a group of us had gone out to dinner (sushi restaurant in Lausanne) for all the October birthdays (four of us). I'd finished the triple layer chocolate cake that Yasmine had ordered for Maxim's birthday today just before I went out last night.
Anyway, I started baking early this morning not long after we got up. I made 2 dozen Chocolate Chunk and Raisin Oatmeal Cookies for Julie's order, then made 2 dozen Pecan and Raisin Oatmeal Cookies (a dozen of which I was able to sell and we ate the rest). I delivered the cake to Yasmine at garderie and did some grocery shopping. After we got home Mum rang (around noon) to say they were at Heathrow and were catching a flight that was due in to Geneva at 2.15pm.
I fed the girls and started on the Chocolate Cupcakes. During the morning I'd had a call ordering 2 dozen Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting to pick up this evening. Which was the same as Julie's order, to go with the cookies. So between lunch, putting Charlotte down for her nap, going to the airport with Lily to pick Ma ma and Poppy up and coming back I made 4 dozen Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting. Which were all collected this evening.
Big baking day. And a big day with Ma ma and Poppy arriving. Lily was so excited to see them at the airport (she spotted them first...they were wating for us as we were late, had to wait for cupcakes to come out of the oven before we could leave). And a big change for them seeing Charlotte. She wasn't walking last time they saw her. Now she is a powerhouse. Busy girl. Talking. Very active. And cute as a button. She has to be to command her fair share of attention.
i hope you have a great time with your parents
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