Disruptive weather
The weather was so bad yesterday (not consistent though - bucketing down rain and thunderstorms in amongst clear blue skies) that Lily's rally thing for school last night was cancelled. So MK changed his shift for nothing and now has to try to change shifts for Thursday when this thing has been re-scheduled for.
Garderie's outing to Mon Repos park was also cancelled and re-scheduled for Friday morning.
But Lily did her swimming lesson...not successfully, unfortunately. Christina wanted her to use the small noodle and Lily didn't want to. So they spent the last part of the lesson out of the pool talking...Christina trying to get Lily back in the pool and Lily refusing. Not how you'd want things to go.
Today is still overcast and there's been a bit of rain. The way things have been, there could be more rain/thunderstorms or it could clear up to be sunny and warm. Or both.
No garderie or school today, being Wednesday. Might take the girls into town...look at shoes for Lily (the ones I bought Lily in Frankfurt have very long straps and can't be velcro-ed tight enough). Plus Lily accidentally dropped her little box thing (present from Katia after Lily came off her bike) down the lift shaft and was very upset. I saw them in Manor the other day so we might add that to the trek.
Because of the shift changes he made for yesterday, MK worked night shift last night and has to be up for afternoon shift later. Thats if he didn't swap a couple more night shifts with his colleague.
Why is it
Why is it that in the morning I meticulously weigh out my 30 grams of rolled oats and half a cup of skim milk (a total of 2 points on WW) and then in the evening I am wolfing down the left overs of the pancakes made for after dinner? (or whatever left over dessert - albeit low fat - I might have made).Why is it I continue to make anything sweet - even if it is low ft - for us where there is guaranteed leftovers (Sunday night it was a chocolate cherry pudding). Why, why, why? I just end up eating it.Maybe I should weigh out 35 grams of oats for my porridge in the morning.If only it was that simple.
Computer invasion
Last night, after the kids were in bed and MK was at work (afternoon shift), I had the computer with me as I watched tv. Hmmmm, that could become a new habit.And this morning I brought the computer into the kitchen while I made breakfasts and did the morning thing. During the day I talked to Mum and Dad, then Matthew, on Skype...in the dining area.More habits forming, I think.Good thing? Or the creeping invasion of the computer into every day life (who am I kidding? we've already been invaded).I have to admit, my dream kitchen would include an in-built computer monitor with net access and easy to use keyboard. I imagine it built into a wall or cupboard with a fancy pull out drawer for the keyboard. And somewhere for a stool.
Soceroos vs Italy
Even I felt disappointed with the outcome of tonight's match...and MK sent me an email from work just saying 'No more holidays in Italy!!'.So does that mean the Aussie flag needs to come down from the balcony?
Wonders of Wifi
Right now, MK is on the net, using the laptop, while watching the soccer in the loungeroom (and proof reading my blog). And I am in the spare bedroom, on the desktop computer, writing my blog. How is this possible?As of today we have WiFi! And we are networked between the 2 computers.Is that right, Michael?
Trip to Oron

This morning we went to Oron, beyond Savigny. Once again, MK chose the destination and we picked up lunch at the boulangerie in Pully on our way out. Only took 20-25mins to get there and we parked at the Chateau. It was only open for guided tours (by the looks of the sign) and the next one was at 2pm so we set out for a walk. Ended up in a lovely forest, still wet from last night's thunderstorm. Perfect location, down to a little river then up again and out to wheat fields. Which is where we ate our picnic (too damp in the forest). Then did a complete circle back to the car. We didn't wait around till 2pm, even though Lily was really wanting to go inside the Chateau. Charlotte was tired and we would have had to wait over 30mins. So we zoomed home and chucked Charlotte into bed for a late nap.And then there was another thunderstorm, like last night, but with lightning. Amazing weather this time of the year...it had cooled right down, then the clouds cleared and it was warm again. Slightly unpredictable. If I get motivated enough, I'll go for a walk tonight. That's if it's not too hot or raining.
Lost vs Soceroos
World Cup is on at the moment. Doesn't interest me much but it's a bit hard to escape*. Did my bit and bought an Aussie flag in Manor on Thursday which we hung over the balcony (to add to the Swiss, French, Italian, Spanish ones we can see on other balconies). Thursday night Australia played Croatia. Match started at 9pm. But Lost started at 9.05pm. No dilemma in my mind. I love Lost and we watch it every Thursday. They've been running three back-to-back episodes, so you get a good dose of Lost in one night. We're now halfway through Season 2 and amazingly ahead of England (according to where Christine said they're up to). So there was no way I was going to miss my triple dose. But it was a dilemma for MK. He thought and thought (he also enjoys Lost) and eventually decided that we could watch Lost if he could tape the match. The plan was to not see the final score till he'd watched it all the way through. And amazingly he achieved this. He went into work that night (late, courtesy of a flexible colleague), slept the next day, then got up and watched the match. Without knowing in advance the outcome.Which was a draw, 2 - 2.*But it does sort of amaze me we've been here that long that we were here for the last World Cup, 4 years ago. Made as much of an impression that time as this one likely will. Unless Australia wins of course.
Interview follow up
Michael heard back, via email, from Melbourne on Tuesday. Unsurprisingly he was unsuccessful for the job. They mentioned keeping him in mind for another position. But we know nothing more, like when.The only definite at the moment is the three month contract MK signed last week. Which will take him through till the end of September.
Time off
Charlotte has been waking up most mornings at 6.30am (or a tad before). And I've either been going to bed too late or not being able to sleep when I do go at a reasonable time. So yesterday morning I was completely knackered. No energy, yet a no school/no garderie day looming ahead of me. Plus Michael in bed till the afternoon. Plus hot. So when Charlotte asked to go to garderie it seemed a reasonable request. And Lily was keen as mustard as well (she loves garderie and jumps at any chance to go).I rang Yasmine and she was happy to take both girls. I'm so lucky. Came home and did a few jobs that have been hanging around. Felt quite productive really.And today Lily had her class trip on the train to Chateau de Prangins (near Nyon) and Charlotte was in garderie all day. So some more free time. After waving goodbye to the kids around 9.15am I went for my walk. Made Cottage Pie and a beef and lentil soup (both WW recipes), rang Natasha and went to Migros. Around 2pm I went into town to hit the sales (have to make hay while sun shines as they only have 2 sales here a year). Picked up a few bits n' bobs, nothing major. Promod hadn't started their sale yet, Globus trotted out the same kitchenware they do every year (although the kids dept had a few good things), Zara was OK but nothing stood out (and the brown skirt I bought when Mum was here was reduced, hate that), there wasn't too much at Manor (although I did pick up an Australian flag for Sf10 and some Swiss things). And Coop was alright...got a couple of platters and icecream spoons.You would wonder why I'm buying more stuff when I just have to lug it home (probably at our own expense) but I can't live like that. And nothing I buy is that expensive. So if I give it away, so be it (so I say now!).
End of school year...nearly summer hols
Not long till the end of the school year (still sort of a weird concept coming from Australia where the end of the school year is also the end of the calendar year) and the summer holidays. Before then though there are all sorts of good stuff going on.Lily had her class photo yesterday (first one ever!). Thursday they're going to Chateau de Prangins, on the train, for the day (some mention of gardens). Friday is Fete des Ecoles at the deer park (all afternoon), next Tuesday Charlotte and garderie will be at the deer park from 11am till 4.30pm, then that night (6-8.30pm) Lily's year has a 'rally'. Some sort of course around Pully where we go from place to place doing activities in family groups.Plus next week Lily has 2 swimming lessons at Chexbre, instead of one so she can fit in all her lessons (her final one in this group of 5 is the following week, then the week after that she and I start a one week intensive...she'll have a lesson 5 days in a row and so will I!).Last day of school is Friday July 7th, but garderie is open all of July so Yasmine asked if Lily would like to come. Other than our swimming intensive week, I think Lily will be at garderie some days. We'll be in Croatia the end of July, beginning of August.
Mum and Dad will be here the middle of August for a week, then Michael has a week off from the 22nd so we're trying to think of somewhere to go and school starts again August 29th. That's if we're still here.
Too hot
It's so bloody hot at the moment it's sh*tting me off. I'm short tempered and crabby. OK, nothing new there but more so at the moment.Overcast at the moment but still hot. Since the weekend we've had thunderstorms and lightening, then it clears up and is hot and sunny again. Humid. Blah.
Summer has arrived!
Well and truly. The weather was nice before we went to Spain, but since we've been back it's been hot every day. Not sure of the day to day temps, but I've seen 30 degrees plus mentioned. Overcast for the first time today, but not much cooler. Keep hearing from others that thunderstorms are forecast, and maybe even this weekend.Before Spain, all Lily wanted to wear each day was dresses. But it just wasn't warm enough for her (mainly sleeveless) dresses. Took them away with us, though, and they were perfect. And she's been wearing them ever since.Just so long as they're not saying it's looking as hot a summer as 2003 (the hottest in Switzerland in 500 years). That always makes me nervous.
Baking class - Cinammon Rolls
Yesterday I did another baking class with Monica and Rose. I can't remember exactly but that might have been class number 5. Anyway, it had been re-scheduled from 2 weeks previously. Lily hadn't been well, but more importantly I just didn't feel like doing the class. It was on Cinammon Rolls and I hadn't tested the recipe and couldn't be bothered. Plus Rose wasn't able to come so it was easy to cancel.But yesterday's class was great. I started the Cinammon Rolls the night before as it didn't look like we'd have enough time to make it during the class. I baked them at the beginning of the class which worked out well. They tried them and took the rest home. Then we made Hot Cross Buns without the crosses (so really just a sticky yeast bun) and an easy Cinammon Roll recipe (no yeast) from Cooks Illustrated. They were thrilled with the results (esp Monica who'd requested Cinammon Rolls for this class) and I felt really good (but tired) by the end of the class (starts at 9.30am and I aim to finish up by 12noon).They're keen to do another class and have requested Shortbread (Monica) and Carrot Cake (Rose). We might have trouble with the next date though...waiting to hear back from Monica re June 29th.And speaking of Monica...I asked both of them ages ago if they'd mind writing a testimonial for my Now Baking website to include when I add the baking class information. Rose emailed hers a while ago and it was short and sweet. Monica brought hers with her yesterday, handwritten as she didn't feel confident with her English (she's from Mexico). Bragging moment here, but her testimonial says It's not just about the great company and the delicious recipes, learning from someone who really loves and enjoys baking makes you realize that a simple recipe is something that involves smells, sounds, colors and textures.
Only Robyn can teach you to appreciate the beautiful art of baking.
Wow, now I really do need to get motivated and add the baking class info to my website, after she gave me such a gift.
Strawberry picking
On Wednesday the girls and I visited Aussie Jen, Katia and Chloe at their new home in Genolier. It really is a beautiful home...two storey, open plan, great kitchen, lots of bathrooms and toilets (not uncommon here!), living space for the adults and kids, big backyard. And one paddock away from their backyard is a pick-your-own strawberry patch. So the 6 of us trundled off in the 30 degree heat and picked strawberries. It was lovely and the strawberries were delicious. We picked 4 punnets (1 per child) which didn't take too long.We then had lunch out on their deck, including a chocolate tart and strawberries for dessert!
14/6/06 Interview update
MK's interview didn't go well. Unbeknownst to him, the interview was for a Team Leader position. A job he doesn't want, and an interview he wasn't prepared for. I felt really angry for him. Very unfair to interview someone without informing them of the job they're being interviewed for!MK said they're interviewing 7 or 8 other people and they'll let him know by the end of this week. He won't get it, which is not a bad thing. Hopefully, though, there will be another interview for the position he does want.Oh, and another thing...the Team Leader position starts next month! Yikes, that would be hairy. But it won't be because this is not his job.
Video conference tomorrow
The video conference between MK and the HR and boss man in Melbourne has been scheduled for 10am tomorrow (Wednesday).It suits me sooner rather than later!
Lily and Olivia
Lily and Olivia late last month around the fountain (in front of our apartment).
Lily's first bike accident
MK is on day shift this week (home around 6pm) so before dinner I took the girls downstairs so they could ride their bike and little tractor. Lily found Olivia, who also had her bike, so they were having a great time. Until Lily came off :( I was watching her...she took her hand off the handle momentarily, wobbled and lost balance crashing into the concrete seating around the outer edges of where the fountain is. There was lots of blood and Lily screaming blue murder. I took her and Charlotte back upstairs straight away. Lily had a bad split lip, some small cuts on her face and scrapes on her upper leg, inner thigh (which seemed to hurt the most). I wondered whether she'd broken her nose but I could touch it so must be OK. Often you see parents giving their kids Arnica, the homeopathic remedy, so I gave some to Lily (the last time she had it was in Frankfurt when the pony bit her and the owner gave some to Lily). I also put iodine and cream on her scrapes. Hard to know what else to do for her. Lily blotted her lip with wet tissues to get all the muck and blood out. And before she went to bed I gave her Dafalgan.Poor Lily :(
Update re MK's job
Michael told me tonight that when he returned to work today there was an email from Melbourne requesting a video conference with him. It will include the equivalent of his boss here and a HR person (both in Melb) and MK.They were wanting to schedule for tomorrow but MK wasn't able to organise the video conference room. So he's asked for it to be on Friday.Interesting turn of events. My speculation - why not offer MK one of the three short term Melbourne contracts, and then keep him on in a permanent position there. Even though he's not yet seen a contract, the contractors have been told there will be another three month contract after June.But why keep someone for three months here when they are (potentially) needed in Melbourne (once again, I'm making assumptions).So long as Friday suits Melbourne for the video conference, looks like we'll find out more then.
Postcard from Majorca
Well, not quite but that was my intention. I got on the net last night at the hotel (around 9.30pm while Lily was at Fred's Pirate Party and MK was putting Charlotte to bed) but I couldn't get into blogger. So no blog update on holiday...but we got back tonight so this is the next best thing.Had a really good time. Have to say, rememebered the day we arrived that I don't actually like sun/sand/sea holidays. Being in the sun makes me stressed about sunburn, don't like sand sticking to me (and C displayed some of these anti-sand, weirdo traits too) and I'm not a water lover so combining the sun and sand with the sea does nothing for me. So after the first afternoon spent on the beach, in the hot sun, right on the edge of the sea I didn't go back. Well, I did but only to walk along the path that runs along the beach edge.Lily on the other hand really enjoyed the sand and sea. So much on the first afternoon she got into the water, then lay flat out on the sand. Where it all stuck to her. How could she, uggghhh. Thankfully MK enjoys the sand and sea too, so they did these things together. Charlotte made lots of noise about wanting the beach, but when she was there (one time when it was just her and MK), she was carried for the majority of the time. Didn't like getting sand in her shoes. This I can understand. But she did love the pool, which MK also enjoys so they spent more of their time there. After the first day, I didn't put my bathers back on. Just as happy reading my book on a sunlounger in the shade by the pool (a friend lent me 'Janice Gentle gets sexy' by Mavis Cheek which I finished yesterday).On Wednesday morning, Lily joined the children's club (Bam-Bam Club, 5yo-8yo) and she did all of their activities from then on. Every morning (10.30am-1pm), every afternoon (3pm-5pm) and every evening (8.30pm till whenever the activity finished). We took Charlotte to the baby club (Baby Rock Club 4mths-4yo) on Wednesday morning but she cried so we didn't leave her. Tried again on Thursday morning and this time she stayed. Till they phoned us saying she was crying asking for Mummy. Friday morning was a better and by this morning she was happy as a clam. We'd normally drop her off around 11am (after dropping Lily off) and aim to pick her up around 1pm when we collected Lily. Lily loved her club and made several friends. One of them, Ofelia from Malaga, was very unhappy when we left today and wanted Lily to come home with her. She was probably the nicest friend, the other couple being Poms. Nothing wrong with that! Except they weren't as...sweet, as Ofelia :)Lily's club cost 23euros for 3 days (plus this morning which was 10euros for one day). Charlotte's club was open all day and was 2euros per hour in the morning, and free in the afternoon. So we were only paying 4euros for Charlotte.The food was amazing. Breakfast from 8am till 10.30am and dinner from 6.30pm till 10pm. It was buffet, and each night had a different theme. Tuesday night was Majorrcan and it was great. After that, Mexican and Asian. Plus the sort of food Poms would eat...chips, meat, salad etc. Icecream and lots of goodies for dessert. And fruits and cheeses. For breakfast there was cereals, cold meats, cheeses, salad, bread, pastries, scrambled eggs, tomatoes, sausages, bacon, black pudding, made to order eggs (omlettes, poached), fruit, cheeses. On the first morning or two there was also churros and hot chocolate (Spanish style, really thick) but thankfully that stopped. The dining room was always packed (and often a queue to get in, the later in the morning or evening it got) but food was always there and there was plenty to go around. Each morning I made ham and cheese rolls for our lunch, and took a couple of croissants for Charlotte. Needless to say, beyond the first day, we didn't buy lunch. In fact we only bought bottled water and diet cokes. We were in walking distance to the shops and there was a Spar (supermarket) close by. On Wednesday morning MK, Charlotte and I did some exploring (lots of shops selling 'tat') and on Thursday morning MK and I went back by ourselves. But nothing really to get us back there again. Except this morning when we had an hour in between finishing the packing and picking the girls up. We walked along the beach (well, the footpath next to the beach!) then back to the hotel along the shops.Weather was warm and sunny up until yesterday. Friday was pretty windy and overcast, although it cleared later. Today was much more overcast, a bit windy and there was a bit of rain. Not cool though, still t-shirt weather. Funny when we returned home tonight at 7.30pm it was sunny and warm...better weather than Majorca.We've had late nights, as have the girls. The entertainment was really good and there was always something to look forward to. I've never been to this sort of place (with the entertainment all day in-house...maybe we don't have them in Australia?) but I know the Poms are very familiar with it. I wonder how they'd compare it to other places like it? There was a lot of families with small children, some couples and a fair amount of much older people. We sort of kept to ourselves...with nose buried in book!Back to everyday life now...no more buffet breakfasts and dinners. Thank god, not good for me at all plus I did no exercise. And I can see how it would get a bit much day in, day out with all that food in the one place at the same time. I poked my head into the dining room today when lunch was on (1pm-3pm) and it looked very similar to dinner. This is what we would have been eating every day if we'd gone full board, instead of half board. Yikes. Geez, ham and cheese roll was enough for us.
Thank god!
rang the post office in Lausanne earlier, they spoke no English but I cobbled enough French together to ask them the question and I understood enough for them to tell me THEY HAVE THE PASSPORT! First the guy said he'd be delivering it later this morning but I explained that was too late. So MK is on his way to the post office now to collect it.I am so so happy! We don't need to take the car to Geneva and be worrying about about whether the passport will be there or not. We don't have to worry about carparking at the airport (problematic at the moment), we don't have to worry about rushing as much. We just don't have to worry about Lily's passport :)
Passport update
It's a public holiday here today so obviously nothing I could do. Till I decided to ring the emergency number of the Australian consul. Connects you straight through to Canberra (and that's how the woman answered, just said 'Canberra'!). Explained my story to the passport woman, who offered to ring London to see what they had to say about where the passport was (it wasn't clear on whatever tracking method they use, but it did indicate that it been sent from London on Thursday). Canberra rang me back and basically nothing much was clearer. But we spoke it through and it looks like there's a possibility the passport is still in Geneva. This is not a bad thing altogether. We will aim to be there at 9am for when they open and hope hope hope they have the passport. Then we zoom to the airport, hopefully being there in time to check in at 9.30am.I think I will still call the Lausanne post office in the morning. Plus tonight we'll pack two cases - one with mine and Charlotte's stuff, the other with Lily and MK's. Unfortunately the next flight to Palma is not till Thursday but that's the one Lily and MK will be on if they can't get away tomorrow.Ugghhhh, talk about stressful. I really don't feel like packing. Even less than I normally do.
Lily's passport - bad news
It didn't arrive today. The woman from the Australian Consul in Geneva didn't ring me yesterday like she said she would so I tried phoning her, but it was too late. I couldn't get through at 4.50pm (lines were 'busy'...how convenient for a Friday afternoon, then I got the 'we're closed' message). So I assumed she'd put the passport in registered post.But when I checked at the post office today, they said there is no registered post deliveries on Saturday. After much consulting with here colleague and thinking, the woman at the post office gave me a phone number for the post office in Lausanne that we can start trying early on Tuesday morning (as early as 4am!). She said not to give the number to anyone?!Shit. Our flight is at 10.30am Tuesday morning. I'm thinking we need to be on a train at 8.30am, which is before the mail deliveries. We may be at the Lausanne post office super early Tuesday morning. Or MK might be.
Majorca June 6th - 10th
Ages ago we booked a flight to Palma, Majorca (Spain) with easyJet (got a good price). We've put off booking the hotel (too much other stuff going on, was waiting to see if friends' had any recommendations (no), plus it was too hard to narrow down the choice with so many options out there. Eventually we settled on one and I booked on Monday. The link's here. It will be the kids first sand/sea/sun holiday and I'm happy to go somewhere kid-focussed (I think this place fits the bill!). We're doing half-board, so no need to worry about breakfast and dinner (oh, except for over-eating as both meals are buffet).The only *slight* glitch at the moment is we don't have a passport for Lily. It was due to expire in July, so we got organised enough (just) to put in the application on May 19th (we had to wait for Lily's birth certificate to arrive from Adelaide - we ordered a new on from Births, Deaths, Marriages). Unfortunately we didn't put on the form (where there is a spot) that we are travelling on June 6th. So when I called the Consulate in Geneva today (after receiving an email saying the passport was completed), the woman informed me it's still in London. It still needs to be sent to Geneva to be validated and then sent to us. Today is Thursday, tomorrow is Friday, Monday is a public holiday and we leave on Tuesday morning. Yikes. The woman in Geneva rang London, called me back and said it should be sent tonight so they should receive it tomorrow. She'll call me tomorrow when (if?) it arrives. Then we can decide whether MK drives to Geneva to pick it up or we trust the registered post to only take one day.Fingers crossed. Nothing I can do about it now though.
Might as well be in Melbourne (weather-wise)!
It's been so cold lately...around 10degrees. We've had lots of rain, and even some hail. Today is the first day of June and it's cold and rainy. The heaters (centralised for the whole building) have even been turned back on!Hope the weather is a bit better in Majorca next week...