Yesterday ballet, today golf and swimming...

We actually got to school by 8.45am this morning so we were upstairs with all the other kids waiting for the bell (which is when they can go downstairs to their classrooms). Lily saw some of her classmates and just as the bell was going 3 of them came and said 'Lily' and gave her a group hug. I got all teary (it was so lovely and sweet of them) and assumed this would help Lily go downstairs by herself when they all ran off but no, she was not keen to go downstairs by herself at all :( Karin waited with her but she didn't want to go. Eventually another woman (parent? teacher?) took her downstairs, but she went reluctantly. As always she was happy when I picked her up and had a good morning at school.
After dropping Charlotte at garderie, I went for my walk and Mum and Dad went into town to do Xmas shopping. I baked a Chocolate Mousse Cake for Mum's birthday which we had tonight. As yummy as always.
This afternoon Poppy took Lily for a hit of her golf clubs at the little park. Lily seemed to enjoy this and no doubt Dad would be happy to pass on his love of golf. After we left MK and Charlotte and took Lily to her swimming lesson. She is doing so well, considering her lack of water experience. I asked Sevane how young they take children for lessons and she said two. Maybe next March when they start back we'll enrol Charlotte. And maybe get myself a teacher...within a one hour time period the three of us could have half hour lessons.
Tonight I made oven-baked chicken (loving that recipe), mashed potato, peas and shredded carrot and celery. And the cake for dessert.
Now it's late and Charlotte has woken up crying and wouldn't settle. I would have been tempted to leave her except Lily was being woken (unusual as she would normally sleep through anything). So she is currently sitting on my lap...hope she won't be up for too long.
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