More family fun

I didn't end up getting to bed till 2am last night because of Charlotte...she kicked off around 11.45pm, I put her back to bed around 1.15am then I was up and down to her till 2. And we'd been having a clear run for a while. Tonight she's been up for a while but is now back in bed...hopefully be the end of it.
This morning I made Blueberry Pancakes for breakfast and we had a slow morning. I made Bean Stack for lunch then while Charlotte slept Mum and I went to Toys r Us so she could finish off shopping for C's birthday and Xmas. When we got home all of us (including MK who slept part of today but is now off till Wed) went into Lausanne. They had a Halloween thing going on around St Francois (stalls and stuff for kids) and a big band all dressed up played their music down Rue du Bourg. Lots of kids dressed in their Halloween finest.
We went to Les Brasseurs for dinner which ended up being a good choice. I had a big salad, the girls had the children's menu (chicken nuggets and frites for CPK, saucisse and frites for LPK with glace for dessert) and Mum, Dad and MK had Flammekueche (Alsace tart) with all different toppings. We were home by 7pm which was pretty good going all things considered.
I prepared Baked French Toast with Pecans tonight which sits in the fridge overnight. Cook it in the morning. I've made it once before. Have to see whether it's worth putting on my Breakfast menu.
Zermatt and Matterhorn update - we have decided to go away tomorrow for one night. I have spent some time tracking down accomodation and from my emails had one positve reply (as in, yes we have vacancies/we are open). So see how organised we get ourselves tomorrow. MK said there are trains on the hour every hour we can catch from here and it'll take us just under three and a half hours. As usual haven't packed or anything.
Bye bye daylight saving...see you again next year!
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