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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Toilet training Charlotte

I've been so slack with the whole toilet training business with Charlotte. I started at 2 years 4 mths with Lily and she fully trained the day before she turned three (well, except for the nighttime which is still an issue). I just haven't bothered with Charlotte and here she is at 2 years 9 mths. Every now and then, lately, she's said 'pee-pee' but I've just distracted her/brushed her off.

So last night she did ca-ca just before dinner. I changed her nappy and, knowing she was going in the bath after dinner, put knickers on her. For the first time. She was so proud, she came running out to the dining area flashing her knickers to Daddy, Ma ma, Poppy and Lily. She got heaps of attention out of that. Then later she went to the toilet and did pee-pee (the only other time she's done that is occasionally before her bath). After bath she went to bed in a nappy, as per usual.

Today Mum dressed her and put her in knickers. And she did really well, on the whole. Mum, Dad, Lily, Charlotte and I had lunch in the little park, and for the first time ever Charlotte did pee-pee at the park (squatting). Then just before her nap she said she needed to go and she actually did ca-ca on the toilet (I thought it was the first time, but MK reckons she's done it once before). Then she stayed dry for her nap.

We were out this afternoon and she didn't go to the toilet at all, even though I took her to a public toilet and she had the chance at another time to squat.

When we got home, though, she got a bit distracted wanting to play shops that by the time she got to the toilet she'd had an accident.

And then tonight the girls had their bath before dinner (as we got home a bit late) and C did ca-ca in her nappy. Not a drama...that's what nappies are for.

Ok, so a whole post on nappy training is not my usual stuff but you remember how much of a big deal it is. And to see your baby wearing knickers is such a kick. Looks so cute. But so grown-up.

She is such a groover, that kid.


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